Apache Tez-ui — Jevic

Apache Tez-ui

2020/04/17 Bigdata
  • 版本信息:
    • Ambari 2.7.5
    • HDP-

tez-ui war包

tar -zxf /opt/apache-tez-0.9.2-bin.tar.gz


  • 下载官方 tar.gz 安装包解压即可

tez-ui 配置

# mkdir -p /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.19/webapps/tez-ui
# cp /opt/apache-tez-0.9.2-bin/tez-ui-0.9.2.war /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.19/webapps/tez-ui
# cd /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.19/webapps/tez-ui
# unzip tez-ui-0.9.2.war
# cat config/configs.env
...... 省略 ......
ENV = {
  hosts: {
     * Timeline Server Address:
     * By default TEZ UI looks for timeline server at http://localhost:8188, uncomment and change
     * the following value for pointing to a different address.
    timeline: "",

     * Resource Manager Address:
     * By default RM REST APIs are expected to be at http://localhost:8088, uncomment and change
     * the following value to point to a different address.
    rm: "",

     * Resource Manager Web Proxy Address:
     * Optional - By default, value configured as RM host will be taken as proxy address
     * Use this configuration when RM web proxy is configured at a different address than RM.
    //rmProxy: "http://localhost:8088",
  ...... 省略....

修改 tomcat server.conf 端口号

<Connector port="9999" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443" />
  • 启动tomcat:
    • ./bin/startup.sh
    • 访问页面




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